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Master of Science in Genetic Counseling


All information in this guide has been adapted from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style. (7th ed.)

Citation Managers

Citation managers are used to collect, organize and cite references. 

Common Reference Examples

Journal Article

Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture8(3), 207–217.

  • Parenthetical citation: (Grady et al., 2019)
  • Narrative citation: Grady et al. (2019)

Newspaper Article

Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times

Harlan, C. (2013, April 2). North Korea vows to restart shuttered nuclear reactor that can make bomb-grade plutonium. The Washington Post, A1, A4.

Stobbe, M. (2020, January 8). Cancer death rate in U.S. sees largest one-year drop ever. Chicago Tribune.

  • Parenthetical citations: (Carey, 2019; Harlan, 2013; Stobbe, 2020)
  • Narrative citations: Carey (2019), Harlan (2013), and Stobbe (2020)

UpToDate Article

Bordeaux, B., & Lieberman, H. R. (2020). Benefits and risks of caffeine and caffeinated beverages. UpToDate. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from

  • Parenthetical citation: (Bordeaux & Lieberman, 2020)
  • Narrative citation: Bordeaux and Lieberman (2020)

Book/E-Book (Entire Authored Book)

Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.

Svendsen, S., & Løber, L. (2020). The big picture/Academic writing: The one-hour guide (3rd digital ed.). Hans Reitzel Forlag.

  • Parenthetical citations: (Jackson, 2019; Sapolsky, 2017; Svendsen & Løber, 2020)
  • Narrative citations: Jackson (2019), Sapolsky (2017), and Svendsen and Løber (2020)

Book Chapter (Edited Book)

Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019). Culinary arts: Talent and their development. In R. F. Subotnik, P. Olszewski-Kubilius, & F. C. Worrell (Eds.), The psychology of high performance: Developing human potential into domain-specific talent (pp. 345–359). American Psychological Association.

Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents in the study of persuasion. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., pp. 115–129). Routledge.

Thestrup, K. (2010). To transform, to communicate, to play—The experimenting community in action. In E. Hygum & P. M. Pedersen (Eds.), Early childhood education: Values and practices in Denmark. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

  • Parenthetical citations: (Aron et al., 2019; Dillard, 2020; Thestrup, 2010)
  • Narrative citations: Aron et al. (2019), Dillard (2020), and Thestrup (2010)

Diagnostic Manual

American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.).

  • Parenthetical citations: (American Psychiatric Association, 2022)
  • Narrative citations: American Psychiatric Association (2022)

Conference Presentation

Evans, A. C., Jr., Garbarino, J., Bocanegra, E., Kinscherff, R. T., & Márquez-Greene, N. (2019, August 8–11). Gun violence: An event on the power of community [Conference presentation]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

  • Parenthetical citation: (Evans et al., 2019)
  • Narrative citation: Evans et al. (2019)

Things to Note

  • In your bibliography, references are listed alphabetically. 
  • APA Style uses in-text author-date citations. The in-text citation appears within the body of the paper and briefly identifies the cited work by its author and date of publication.
  • Do not include both a DOI and a URL in a reference entry. If a work has both a DOI and a URL, include only the DOI.

Citations & Plagiarism

Learn why it is important to cite your sources and how to avoid plagiarism. 

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