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Orthopaedic Surgery: Searching

Databases, journals, books and library tools for Orthopaedic Surgery


The following is a list of just some of the resources one could consider to search when conducting a systematic review of the literature. MCW Librarians are available to suggest databases, help you with your search strategy and to conduct searches for you!


Grey Literature

What is Grey Literature?
Grey literature consists of studies produced by the government, industry, or other organizations in the form of reports, working papers, data sets, dissertations, fact sheets, policy documents or standards which do not appear in commercial journals.  Grey literature is usually not indexed in standard databases and can be difficult to find.  Grey literature should be consulted to reduce the risk of publication bias in the results of a systematic review. See our LibGuide on Grey Literature for more information on this topic!

Locating Grey Literature

  • Dissertations and Theses: Searches are librarian mediated at MCW Libraries via an online vendor with charges passed on to the requestor.  (This database is also available for individual searching at the Raynor Memorial Libraries at Marquette University.  For access to area academic libraries see information on the Cooperative Access Program.)
  • Grey Literature Report: A bimonthly publication of the New York Academy of Medicine providing information about grey literature in health services research and urban topics.
  • ProceedingsFirst: This database contains the tables of contents of papers presented at conferences worldwide.  Searches in ProceedingsFirst are librarian mediated at MCW Libraries via an online vendor.  Charges are passed on to the requestor.  (This database is also available for individual searching at the Raynor Memorial Libraries at Marquette University.  For access to area academic libraries see the information on the Cooperative Access Program.)
  • MedlinePlus Organization Directory: A collection of organizations providing health information.  This directory is also arranged by topic.
  • OpenGrey: Search for grey literature from Europe.
  • Contact authors of key articles: Authors may provide access to unpublished work.
  • Hand Search Journals of Interest: Review the tables of contents in order to ensure no important studies were overlooked.
  • References from key articles: The references may contain pertinent articles that were missed during the original search.

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