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NIH Public Access Policy Compliance

Learn how to comply with the NIH Public Access Policy

NIHMS Overview

Use the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS) to submit your final, peer-reviewed manuscript for deposit into PubMed Central (PMC), if the publisher does not deposit if for you. (This is submission Method C.)  You should submit your manuscript and any supplementary files, including graphs, tables, and images. 

Depositing a manuscript in the NIHMS for inclusion in PMC is a multi-step process, requiring you to approve the deposited files and associated funding before conversion and the PMC-ready version after conversion. 

You may also monitor the status of your submission within the NIHMS.

NIHMS Manuscript Submission Process

For a more in-depth overview of the NIHMS process, please see What steps are involved in the NIHMS process?

Claiming a Stalled NIHMS Record

PIs and authors have the option to “claim” a record, which enables them to become the person responsible for moving a stalled manuscript through the NIHMS system. To place a claim request:

1. Login to the NIHMS

2. Search for the manuscript using the PMID (PubMed ID) or NIHMS ID or select the Stalled tab to view stalled records for your account.

3. Select Claim the Record.  

Once a claim request is made, the individual currently responsible for the manuscript is notified. If that individual takes no action within a week, then (subject to NIHMS staff review) the author or PI who has made the claim request will receive an email message and can assume responsibility for the manuscript.

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