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Research Data Management (RDM)

NLM Dataset Catalog (Beta Version)

The Dataset Catalog is a freely available catalog of biomedical datasets available from various repositories. Adhering to Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data management principles, the Dataset Catalog allows users to search for specific biomedical datasets and navigate among biomedical datasets by linking descriptive data.

The Dataset Catalog is currently pulling datasets from the following repositories: dbGaP, Dryad, ImmPort, and Harvard Dataverse.

The beta version of the Dataset Catalog indexes datasets from a limited collection of repositories and features minimal functionality initially. NLM seeks user feedback during this phase, which is expected to last approximately six months. 

Dataset catalog Search Result page image

  1. Return to the home page. Clicking on Dataset Catalog beta will take you to the homepage.
  2. Search for datasets within the Dataset Catalog. The search bar supports keywords and phrases, as well as the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, and parenthesis (). For example, (liver transplantation) AND (cardiovascular disease)
  3. Search results sorting. Search results can be sorted by Date (newest to oldest) and Relevance.
  4. Filter options. Search results can be filtered by source Repository, Time Frame, and MeSH Terms. Information on the MeSH vocabulary can be found here.
  5. Dataset information. Each dataset in the search results will contain the Title, source RepositoryIssued Date, and a Description taken from the dataset documentation. Click on the Title to go to the full citation for that dataset.
  6. Feedback. Feedback on the Dataset Catalog beta is greatly appreciated and will help NLM develop and improve this resource.


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