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Library Classes: Descriptions

MCW Libraries routinely provides classes for students, staff, residents, faculty and patients. Find a list of classes that we offer.

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Interested in scheduling a library class for your students, department or colleagues? Contact us to start the planning process. Class content and times can be adjusted to fit your needs.

    (414) 955-8302

Class Descriptions


Find out how to share articles, books and book chapters without violating copyright.

This class is recommended for teaching faculty and course coordinators.

Class time: 30 minutes


Evidence-Based Medicine

Use the EBM model to help make better clinical decisions for your patients. This class will give an overview of the EBM process. After completing this class, you will become a more efficient searcher and will be equipped to identify the appropriate resources to search for your specific topic.

This class is recommended for students, residents, faculty, nurses and advanced practice providers.

Class time: 1-1.5 hours



The Faculty Collaboration Database contains profiles of all MCW faculty and APPs. Learn how to make the most of the FCD by getting your profile up-to-date, curating your list of publications, creating your CV in the MCW CV style, and generating an NIH Biosketch.

This class is recommended for faculty, advanced practice providers and administrative staff.

Class time: 1 hours


Health Information for Patients

The internet is home to vast amounts of health-related information. But, what is reliable health information? What sources can patients and family members use to find timely, accurate information? This session will highlight resources such as Healthy People 2020, PubMed, MedlinePlus, and HSRproj.

This class is recommended for patients and their families.

Class time: 1 hour


Introduction to Citation Managers

Looking to find a better organizational system for the articles, books and webpages you come across? Do you want to become more efficient at citing references in your papers and posters? This class will demonstrate how to use citation managers to save, share and organize references, and how to easily create citation and bibliographies in Microsoft Word. We can also help you decide which citation manager is right for you: EndNote, Zotero or Mendeley.

This class is recommended for students, residents, administrative staff and faculty

Class time: 15-20 minutes

We can also do hands-on training with individuals or small groups. Hands-on training usually takes 1-1.5 hours


Literature Searching 101

Get an overview or refresher of database searching. Learn how to leverage library resources to find peer-reviewed, scholarly information. Topics covered include developing your research question, PICO, Boolean operators and advanced search techniques, and getting access to the full text of articles. We will also showcase the scope and coverage of different library databases.

This class is recommended for students, residents and researchers

Class time: 1-1.5 hours


MCW Libraries Overview

This orientation will make you aware of the services and resources available through the library. The class also covers how to get access to library resources any time, any place, on any device; the Proxy Server Bookmarklet; how to request full text access to books and journals; and how to find help on information related topics.

This class is recommended for students, residents, administrative staff and faculty

Class time: 30 minutes

Class Descriptions



Get the most out of PubMed with MyNCBI. Get experience in creating search alerts, collecting and sharing articles in collections. Also, learn how to set up MyBibliography, ScienceCV and how to customize your PubMed search experience.

This class is recommended for students, residents, researchers and faculty.

Class time: 30-35 minutes


Mobile Apps!

MCW Libraries subscribes to many mobile apps. In this class, we will provide demonstrations of medical apps and apps for browsing literature, and instructions on how to install the apps. Specific apps include BrowZine, UpToDate and VisualDx.

This class is recommended for students, residents and faculty.

Class time: 30 minutes


Publishing Your Research

Open access, impact factors, predatory publishers, JCR, Scimago: have you heard these terms? This class will give you ideas on how to find the right publication for your paper. Learn about resources you can use to identify high impact journals in your field or research, and how to evaluate the credibility of a journal.

This class is recommended for students, residents, researchers and faculty.

Class time: 30-45 minutes


PubMed Essentials

After this hands-on class, learners should be able to quickly access the full text of articles using the “Get It From MCW Libraries” buttons and the Library on Request service; perform searches in PubMed using field tags; narrow down search results using filters; and save searches and create search alerts using their MyNCBI accounts..

This class is recommended for students, residents, administrative staff and faculty

Class time: 30-45 minutes


PubMed Advanced

This class provides an in-depth overview of PubMed. With a better understanding of how PubMed interprets their search strategy, learners will be able to create more sophisticated, advanced searches. This class also provides an overview of how to use Clinical Queries to find the best evidence for clinical questions.

This class is recommended for graduate students, residents, researchers and faculty.

Class time: 1 hour


Searching for Grant Funding

Learn how to use Pivot to find funding opportunities for your research. Get an overview of how to use advanced search techniques in Pivot and how to create search alerts to keep you updated on new funding opportunities.

This class is recommended for students, administrative staff, residents, researchers and faculty

Class time: 15-20 minutes


Systematic Reviews

Interested in embarking on a systematic review? Get an overview of the process from the librarian perspective. Learn about what makes a good systematic review topic, which databases to search, how librarians create the systematic searches, discover guides and standards for this type of research project, and learn about specialized tools like Rayyan.

This class is recommended for students, residents, and faculty.

Class time: 1 hour

MCW Libraries
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-8300

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