MCW Libraries provides training and support for these mobile applications. Please feel free to contact the MCW Libraries with questions or additional app suggestions at or by calling (414) 955-8302.
AccessMedicine App includes access to four AccessMedicine products on your mobile device:
Installation Instructions
The ASCVD Risk Estimator enables you to estimate 10-year and lifetime risks for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).
Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay.
When would I use this app? This app can be used during a patient encounter to help aid in decision making about the risk of heart disease, the benefits and potential harms of using statins, and finding ways to improve health.
The Aspirin-Guide app from researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, helps clinicians decide which patients are candidates for the use of low-dose aspirin in the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) by balancing the ASCVD benefits against the risk of harm due to gastrointestinal (GI) or other bleeding.
Download the app from iTunes.
BrowZine can be used to access and browse e-journals from different publishers in one simple interface. You can read articles, export article information to a citation manager, and create a customized bookshelf of journals.
When would I use this app? You need a convenient way to keep aware of what is new in the literature.
Learn more about this app, and find journal recommendations from the Clerkship Directors.
Installation Instructions
Calculate by QxMD is a clinical calculator and decision support tool.
When would I use this app? A 67-year-old patient with diabetes and a history of stroke was recently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Warfarin therapy is being considered, however you know this therapy carries a risk of major bleeding complications. Find out the level of risk using the Warfarin Bleeding Risk calculator.
Download from the App Store or Google Play.
The STD Treatment (Tx) Guidelines serves as a quick reference guide for doctors and related parties on the identification of and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay.
When would I use this app? You want to quickly look up the recommended treatment regimen for an adolescent with chlamydia.
CDC Vaccine Schedules is a point of care tool that provides vaccine and vaccination information about routine vaccines.
This free tool provides the most current version of the child and adolescent schedule with immunization recommendations from birth through age 18; catch-up schedule for children and adolescents 4 months through 18 years; adult schedule, including recommended vaccines for adults by age group and by medical conditions; and adult contraindications and precautions table.
Download app on App Store or Google Play.
Access information from ClinicalKey through their mobile app, including books, journals, videos and images produced by Elsevier.
When would I use this app? You are looking for background information from textbooks or your would like to view a video on a certain procedure.
Installation instructions
The U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use has recommendations for using specific contraceptive methods by women and men who have certain characteristics or medical conditions.
Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay.
When would I use this app? You are working with a patient who recently had a baby, is breastfeeding, and would like to start birth control. Use this app to identify contraception options that would be safe for her and her child.
Diagnosaurus is a differential diagnosis tool that allows you to browse by organ system, symptoms, or diseases. Get access to Diagnosaurus through the AccessMedicine app.
DynaMed is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool. Clinicians can easily search, browse, and follow the topics and specialties that matter most to them and get fast, actionable answers to their clinical questions.
When would I use this app? You are treating a 5-month old child with fever and ear pain and are looking for treatment recommendations with a high level of evidence associated with them.
Download DynaMed from the App Store or Google Play.
Instructions for Authentication
After downloading, there are two ways to authenticate the app.
Sign in with your Personal User Account.
Tap Sign In and enter your personal user account credentials. Then tap the Sign In button.
This authentication type provides access personalized features including CME/CE/CPD tracking and favorite/recent topics.
Don’t have a Personal Account? Create one by accessing DynaMed on the web through your institution and then selecting the Sign In link in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Log in via your institution's network.
Tap Institutional Network and then tap Authenticate to log in to the app if you are connected to your institution's Internal Network or Local Internet via Wi-Fi.
Once successfully logged in, the app is designed to stay logged in indefinitely. This works by checking your account behind the scenes every 24 hours to make sure your subscription is still in good standing. If you experience problems staying logged in, please submit Feedback in the app describing the problem and be sure to include your email address where prompted so that EBSCO can contact you.
Epocrates has drug prescribing and safety information for thousands of brand, generic, and over-the-counter drugs. Modules in this app include an interaction checker, pill identification, guidelines and calculators.
Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay. You will be prompted to create an account through Epocrates to install the app.
When would I use this app? A patient has a vial of different pills and is unsure of what they are. Use the Pill ID tool to identify them.
Essential Evidence Plus (EEP) is an evidence-based, point-of-care clinical decision support system that gives you access to over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, and summaries. EEP is available through the STAT!Ref app by searching for Essential Evidence Plus in the title list.
The Johns Hopkins ABX Guide is available in the UCentral app. This guide contains information on infectious diseases, drugs, and pathogens written by content experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine. Access to this app is funded by Froedtert and is limited to Froedtert and MCW affiliated users.
When would I use this app? To find information about drug dosage and adverse reactions, or to discover or confirm a diagnosis with details on pathogens and clinical considerations.
Installation instructions
The UCentral app also includes access to Calculators, Grasp and you can search the contents of MEDLINE.
Isabel Diagnostic Decisions is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool. It is used by clinicians worldwide to help manage clinical uncertainty by matching clinical features to diseases. Isabel provides inspiration when you need it most and has set a new industry standard for accuracy, ease of use and breadth of coverage.
When would I use this tool? A patient presents with a fever and joint pain with recent travel history to South Africa. Using information about the patient's age, sex, travel history, and symptoms, you can use the diagnostic checklist and evidence-based summaries from DynaMed to find a relevant diagnosis.
Instructions for opening Isabel in your mobile browser:
Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Database is a unique tool that allows you to search the profiles of generic and trade name FDA-approved drugs, biological products and biosimilars. It also includes a selection of vaccines, herbal remedies, supplements and other substances used in medical procedures, such as toxins and fillers.
Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay.
Note: If you are using Litt’s Drug Eruption & Reaction Database through your MCW’s subscription and wish to access via your smartphone or tablet when you are not on site, you must first register here to access the data remotely. You must be on site and within your institution's IP range when you register. Your registration for remote access will last for six months. After your remote access ends, you will need to re-register for remote access on site and from within your institution's IP range.
miniMagic is an app built using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method that has condensed current evidence into simple criteria so that you can safely choose between IV devices for your pediatric patients.
Ullman AJ, et al. The Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters in Pediatrics: miniMAGIC. Pediatrics. 2020 Jun;145(Suppl 3):S269-S284. doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-3474I. PMID: 32482739.
Download from the App Store or Google Play.
Red Book provides clinically useful information on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of some 200 childhood infectious diseases. Click here to learn more about the Red Book.
When would I use this app? A child care worker has been diagnosed with pertussis. A parent has called about her 2 year old who was exposed at the day care. Is there a recommendation for chemoprophylaxis?
Download the Red Book from the App Store or Google Play.
Use STAT!Ref to search the full text of books, journals and evidence-based point-of-care resources. Essential Evidence Plus, a point-of-care resource that contains over 13,000 topic summaries, can be searched in the Stat!Ref app. To find Essential Evidence Plus, tap Titles to find this resource.
When would I use this app? In Essential Evidence Plus, find effective treatment options associated with a high level of evidence for a 65 year-old patient who presents with progressive knee pain that is diagnosed as osteoarthritis.
Installation Instructions
The Medical Letter app enables you to get the latest issue of The Medical Letter On Drugs and Therapeutics on your mobile device. Browse past issues, earn CME/CE credits on the go, or find information quickly by using the search.
Installation Instructions
UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical decision support resource.
Please note - To maintain your free app, you will need to log in to your UpToDate account once every 90 days from a computer connected to the MCW, CHW, or Froedtert network.
When would I use this app? You are treating a 5-month old child with fever and ear pain and are looking for treatment recommendations with a high level of evidence associated with them.
Installation Instructions
*If you already have an UpToDate account, you do NOT need to create another. Users may want to update their e-mail or username by logging in and changing them (e.g., in the Contact Information or User Name and Password section.
USPSTF Prevention TaskForce is an app designed to help primary care clinicians identify clinical preventive services that are appropriate for their patients. Use the tool to search and browse U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations. Instructions for use.
When would I use this app? A 40 year old, non-smoking patient has made an appointment for his first physical exam in 10 years. Use ePSS to learn about screening recommendations for this patient.
Download from the App Store or Google Play.
VisualDx is a clinical decision support system that helps clinicians recognize and diagnose visually presenting conditions. VisualDx contains over 32,000 images showing disease variation to solve the most challenging cases.
When would I use this app? A patient presents with a non-healing ulcer on his medial malleolus. Using information about the patient's background, including health, smoking history, and recent activities, you can use the differential builder to find a relevant diagnosis.
Installation Instructions
MCW Libraries
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-8300