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How Do I...

Find out how to access and connect to MCW Libraries resources, as well as information about finding articles and books in our collection.

With your library account name and password, you can renew books checked out from MCW Libraries, place holds on checked out books, or check the due date of your items.

The library catalog is also the gateway to off-campus access of MCW Libraries resources for Froedtert and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin employees, as well as others who are eligible for remote access.

Set your password

Before you get started, you will need to set up a library account. The username for your account will be a barcode, proxy ID or your full MCW email address. See the Eligibility and How to Request Access page to learn how you can set up your library account. 


Step 1: Go to the  MCW Libraries web page and click SIGN IN TO THE LIBRARY CATALOG. The link shows up under the Library Catalog search box.
Sign in to the library catalog


Step 2: Click the Set/reset password link to create a password in the library catalog, and enter your Barcode, Proxy ID or your full MCW email address.

Set/Reset Password

  • If you have a barcode, it will start with the number 25105....
  • If you have a Proxy ID, it may start with a combination of letters and your last name, ie FH_lastname.
  • Some accounts are set up with the user's full MCW email address. 

An email with further instructions will be sent to the email address that we have on file. 

Renew books

Step 1: Go to the  MCW Libraries web page and click SIGN IN TO THE LIBRARY CATALOG. The link shows up under the Library Catalog search box.
Sign in to the library catalog


Step 2: Login with your library account information - either your Library Barcode, your Proxy ID or your full MCW email address. If you don't have a password set up, see the instructions above.


Step 3: After successfully logging in, you should see your name in the top-right corner of the screen. Click your name and choose "My account."

SEEK > My Account


Step 4: Click the Renew button to renew an item and note the new due date. You can renew an item up to 5 times online, as long as someone else hasn't placed a hold on it. After 5 times, you will need to bring the book back to MCW Libraries and we re-check it out to you. 

SEEK > Renew books

Please note that if you checked out a book through Interlibrary Loan, you can request a renewal in Clio or by contacting the Interlibrary Loan department - (414) 955-8310, 



MCW Libraries
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-8302

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