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Unique Author Identifiers

What is Scopus AuthorID?

Some other unique author identifiers were developed before ORCID was available. Scopus' AuthorID is one. Unlike ORCID, Scopus' AuthorID is connected to a proprietary, subscription based system, namely Elsevier's Scopus database. Scopus AuthorIDs are assigned by an algorithm when articles are indexed for inclusion in the Scopus database.

Advantages of Scopus Author IDs

  • It's automatically created Enables you to easily get your citation metrics like the h-index
  • Can be connected to ORCID and MCW's Faculty Collaboration Database to automatically pull in publications to your profile

Limitations of Scopus Author IDs

  • Since author disambiguation is difficult, you may be assigned more than one ID.  There are relatively easy ways to correct this.
  • This is only available to collect together publications indexed in Scopus.  If you have publications in sources not indexed by Scopus, you cannot add them.

How do I find my Scopus AuthorID?

  1. In Scopus, select the Authors button to get to the author search page.  Enter your name - last name is required, but first name isn't.  You can enter other information if you have a very common name, but it's best to try to avoid putting in additional information such as affiliation because you may have had multiple affiliations over your career.
  2. Find yourself on the resulting list and click your hyperlinked name to view your author profile.
  3. Find your Author ID under your name and affiliation details. Your ID also shows up in the URL.

Be sure to thoroughly examine the results to see whether your publications are split between multiple authors on the list.  If that's the case, you'll want to merge the corresponding AuthorIDs.

Learn more about Scopus AuthorID.

Steps for finding a Scopus AuthorID

How can I fix my Scopus AuthorID?

If your publications are split among two or more author profiles, you can select all the profiles and click on "Request to merge authors."  You must create an Elsevier login to do that. (If you use products like ClinicalKey, you may already have an Elsevier login.)

Learn more about claiming, updating and editing author IDs in Scopus.

You can also contact the library for help.


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