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Unique Author Identifiers

What is ResearcherID?

A ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects an author to their work in the Clarivate ecosystem, which includes Web of Science and Publons. A ResearcherID is minted for every author with at least one publication indexed in the Web of Science. Researchers can also claim a ResearcherID in Publons to showcase their work. 

What kind of information is shared on my ResearcherID profile?

In Web of Science, your author profile displays any of your publications that are indexed in the database, as well as citation metrics that are associated with your research.

Learn more about Author Records and the author search in Web of Science.

In Publons, your profile is the public facing element of your Publons account where other members can see the publications, verified peer reviews, verified editorial board memberships, and editor records that make up your verified record of contributions to research.

Learn more about what can be included on your Publons profile.


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