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Grants and Funding

Find links to online resources, books, and other sources of information on grants, grantwriting, and funding. Also learn about where to find support at MCW in your quest for funding


When applying for funding– READ THE APPLICATION CAREFULLY!  Be mindful when applying to unfamiliar grant funding sources. The Funding Agency/Company may insist that their terms and conditions apply as soon as you make the application, and they may not be prepared to negotiate terms. Also, be aware that some funding sources may not agree to keep the contents of your application confidential.

Office of Research Resources

MCW Libraries Resources

Grant writing books made available by the MCW Libraries.

Discover Funders

Use Web of Science to identify which agencies and organizations funded past research in your field.

  1. Perform a search in Web of Science
  2. Analyze the results
  3. Under Web of Science Categories, select “Funding Agencies.” Note that not all articles in the results will have funding information to display.
  4. Select an agency to view the articles that were funded by the agency.

MCW Libraries
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-8302

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