January 2024 Update: Please note that in the new Children's Connect, the link to MCW Libraries is in the Request Center titled "Access Resources from MCW Libraries."
How can I access resources from MCW Libraries?
MCW Libraries uses OpenAthens to connect users to library resources. Most Froedtert and Children's Wisconsin employees, and MCW volunteer or adjunct faculty are eligible for access to MCW Libraries' subscription resources. Complete the registration form to request an account. After we verify your status, you will receive an email with access instructions.
If you encounter any problems, please contact the library here.
Do I need any other accounts to access materials from MCW Libraries?
There are a few additional accounts, both managed by MCW Libraries and not, that you may be asked to register for in order to receive certain materials.
Clio - Clio is the platform MCW Libraries uses for interlibrary loan (ILL) and document delivery. If you need an article that the library does not have in the collection, or you would like to request pick up of a library material at the Family Resource Center at Children's Wisconsin, you may request it and have it delivered to you. Children's Wisconsin users need a Clio account to request a material via document delivery or ILL.
Request a Clio account here. | Learn more about requesting materials here.
Library Card - You will need to register for a library card if you wish to check out physical materials from the Todd Wehr Library on the third floor of the Health Research Center at MCW.
Register for a library card here. | Hours and location of the Todd Wehr Library here.
BrowZine - Children's Wisconsin users do not need a BrowZine account to access full text material in BrowZine - your OpenAthens account will allow this. However, creating a BrowZine account will allow you to save favorite journals to "My Bookshelf" for easy access. You can also receive new issue email notifications and download the BrowZine app. Your BrowZine account is not managed by MCW.
Sign up for a BrowZine account here. | Learn more about BrowZine here.
MCW Libraries resources are available anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
To connect to resources from off-campus, start out at the library's publicly accessible homepage or at any of our LibGuides. If you click a link to a subscription resource, you will be prompted to login to OpenAthens. Those with MCW accounts can use their account information to login. Other users, including Children's Wisconsin and Froedtert Health employees need to register for an account.
Logging in is easy! If you are staff at Children's Wisconsin or Froedtert, a volunteer or adjunct faculty, or you have a library account, use the second option and login with your OpenAthens account.
If you come across OpenAthens links out in the world wide web, you can use them to get access to our library subscriptions. It's as easy as:
If you are using links on the library's website or our LibGuides to access subscription content. choose to "Sign in with an OpenAthens account."
MCW Libraries
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-8302