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Pharmacy School Research Guide: Drug Information

Learn how to use databases like PubMed and ClinicalKey to find guidelines, or find links to guidelines through society websites..

Online Resources for finding Primary Literature

Online Resources for Tertiary Information

Drug Information Textbook

Medicine Textbooks

Monograph Book

Pharmacy Textbooks

Pharmacology and Therapeutics Texbooks

Special Resource: Complimentary & Alternative Medicine

Special Resource: Drug Identification

Special Resource: Infectious Diseases

Special Resource: Intraveneous Compatibility

The following resource is not owned by MCW Libraries, but you may encounter it during your rotations: 

King JC, Catania PN. King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures. [Online] Napa, CA: King Guide Publications, Inc. 

Special Resource: Laboratory Data & Information

Special Resource: Mental Health

Special Resource: OTC Products

Special Resource: Pediatric

Special Resource: Pregnancy & Lactation

Special Resource: Side Effects

Special Resource: Toxicology/Poisoning

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